Fashion Show or Circus? Marangoni’s ‘The Witness’ Has Us Wondering!


Fashion? More Like Performance Art Gone Wild

So, the Istituto Marangoni Firenze decided to take their 2024 graduating class’s final fashion show and turn it into something straight out of a fever dream. They called it ‘The Witness,’ and trust me, it’s unlike anything you’ve seen before. Held at the super fancy Palazzo Ximènes Panciatichi in Florence, this event wasn’t just a fashion show—it was a full-on performance art piece. Yeah, you heard that right.

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Fancy Old Palace: Because Why Not?

First off, let’s talk about the venue. The show took place in this old, super posh palace with frescoes and stuccoes everywhere. The director, Lorenzo Tellini, thought this place was perfect because it’s been around forever, just like Florence itself. So, while you’re trying to figure out what’s happening on stage, you can also admire the centuries-old artwork. Multi-tasking at its finest!

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‘The Witness’ or ‘What Did I Just Watch?’

The whole thing kicked off with something called a tableau vivant. That’s fancy talk for a bunch of people standing really still, looking like a painting. Picture this: you walk in, and bam! Ten collections just chilling there like it’s a high-fashion wax museum. It’s supposed to make you think about art and creativity, but honestly, it’s just kind of weird.

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Then, just when you’re getting used to this human statue garden, everything falls apart—literally. The models start moving, and the whole setup dissolves into chaos. It’s meant to symbolize the end of one chapter and the start of something new, but it mostly felt like someone dropped the ball and the models decided to freestyle.

Ten Designers, Ten Worlds: Welcome to Planet Weird

Each of the ten designers showcased their collections in the most bizarre ways possible. From knitwear and menswear to high-tech materials and eco-friendly designs, it was a mishmash of styles. They wanted us to see ‘ten distinct worlds,’ but it felt more like ten alternate universes where normal fashion rules don’t apply.

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Tech Overload: Because Fashion Isn’t Confusing Enough

If you thought fashion shows were straightforward, think again. ‘The Witness’ was packed with advanced technologies and digital whatnots. There were holograms, projections, and probably some stuff from the next sci-fi blockbuster. It was like the designers got a bunch of gadgets for Christmas and decided to use all of them at once. High-tech overload, anyone?

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Collaboration Station: All Aboard the Hype Train

This year, they got students from all over Istituto Marangoni Firenze to pitch in. Designers, marketers, tech nerds—you name it, they were all there. The result? A hot mess of creativity that somehow worked. Think of it as a group project that didn’t completely crash and burn. Miracles do happen, folks.

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Meet the Designers: The Brains Behind the Madness

Here are the masterminds who brought us this wild ride:

  • Greta Peccia
  • Matilde Tasselli
  • Anna Gervasi
  • Sophia Cuomo
  • Yanni Malhotra
  • Angela Huang
  • Nora Bagdasaroglu
  • Max Putrin
  • Tara Pitoni
  • Sergio Catania

Props to them for thinking outside the box and turning the fashion show into a cross between a runway and a Broadway show.

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Craftsmanship Meets Tech: The Ultimate Mashup

‘The Witness’ was all about blending old-school craftsmanship with the latest tech. Think traditional sewing techniques mixed with futuristic fabrics and eco-friendly practices. It’s like your grandma made you a sweater, but it changes color and repels water. Mind-blowing, right?

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Audience Participation: No More Sitting Quietly

And the audience? Forget just sitting and clapping politely. At ‘The Witness,’ you were part of the show. You could get up close to the collections, chat with the designers, and basically act like you belonged there. It was all about making the spectators feel like insiders, not just passive viewers.

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Fashion Shows: The Next Gen

So, what’s the takeaway here? ‘The Witness’ showed us that fashion shows can be so much more than just models strutting down a runway. They can be full-on experiences that make you laugh, cry, and question your sanity. And honestly, we’re here for it.

Also Read: Gucci’s Wild Ride at Milan Fashion Week: Sabato’s Color Explosion!

Twinkle Mahanta

Hello fashionable souls! I am the voice behind this fashion-forward blog. As an ardent lover of all things chic and trendy, I'm thrilled to curate the latest fashion news and style inspirations for you.

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